Monday, March 18, 2013

New Interview Featuring ME! Oh, and a New Book Cover ... Grrr!

Hey, humans.  So a few weeks ago Aeicha from Word Spelunking stopped by Ghoulicious Pizza to interview me.  Obviously, she had the good sense to come to me instead of going to my biographer, which means she's not only a fun human, but very smart, too.  Anyway, you can check out the full interview over here:  CHARACTER INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: EVE FROM THE EVE HALLOWS SERIES

There's like a giveaway, too, where you can win books and stuff.  So, yeah, you should check it out!

Oh, and I just saw the picture of my new book cover.  Funny, my biographer never told me it was finished. My friend Carly Beth happened to come across while searching the inter-web thingie.

Book of Shivers?  Really.  That is so boring.  And don't get me started with the picture.  Why do I have to share a cover with Mrs. Maxwell, of all creatures?  It's so insulting.

Yes, me and that biographer of mine will be having words.  I'm so done with him.